Jason Derulo
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Jason Derulo Statistics Analysis (30 Days)
Average Views 281.87M Followers / Views 0.22% -
Average Likes 207.03K Likes / Views 1.47% -
Average Reviews 2.11K Reviews / Views 0.01% -
Average Share 3.41K Share / Views 0.02%
Jason Derulo Hot Videos
You don’t want to miss it. I’m hosting Tik Tok Live Fest UK Jan 16th! @TikTok LIVE UK #TikTokLiveFest
Social media has to see it before we eat it @Nora Fatehi
How introverts walk into the room #YouCanDoAnything OG: @Sadaf Aras
When you're staying at your grandmas house and about to get the best, scariest sleep of your life OG: @Corey Arvinger
India, How’d I do? @Nora Fatehi #remodsouza #malaikaarora #geeta_kaputofficial #vabs_blockbusterentertainer
We taught dance creators snake choreo today @Nora Fatehi #Snake
Celebrating 30 + million views for #Snake 🐍 @Nora Fatehi
Thank you guys so much for the #1 trending music video in the world @Nora Fatehi #Snake
The wait is over isss up #YouCanDoAnything I believe in you so you should believe in you too @Sia @djlucasbeat
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