My hilarious friends Nate and Landon took on Henry Winkler in my game, “Are You Smarter Than Two Kid Geography Experts?" Want more exclusive throwbacks? Find clips you won’t see here—only on my Instagram!
This game of #SayWhaaat with the @Jonas Brothers took a turn I was not expecting. 🤣 #theellenshow #jonasbrothers #throwback #game #joejonas #nickjonas #kevinjonas
Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard playing Taste Buds will always make me laugh. #theylooklikefingers #theellenshow #game #tastebuds #kristenbell #daxshepard #throwback
Happy birthday to my hilarious friend Wanda Sykes! No one makes me laugh like you do. Here are some of my favorite moments where you made me laugh so hard I cried. 🤣 #theellenshow #wandasykes #birthday #comedy #standup #flashbackfriday
It's not every day you meet someone as inspiring as Ekhlas. Paying off her student loans was an honor. #theellenshow #viralmoment #tbt #surprise #viral