Our rainbow 🌈 baby is due this July ❤️🩹🥹. I am 20 weeks already, and there’s a big reason I didn’t announce sooner. Last summer, we lost our baby girl. It was a missed miscarriage, which basically means I carried her for over a month after her heart had stopped beating without realizing it. We named her Alice in hopes that she would have her own forever Wonderland. Through spending time with my family, my laughter started to come back and my heart began to heal. Fast forward to last October, we found out we were pregnant again! My heart was full, but after the loss of Alice struggled with worry and panic. I can’t tell you how much relief I felt when I felt those first tiny movements. I am due to have this rainbow baby the same month I lost Alice last summer…in July, exactly one year later 😭 it’s dream come true and we are forever grateful, so we made a magical family photo to celebrate 😊🫶 #MomsofTikTok #photomagic #harrypotter #babyannouncement #fyp
#ad Our family made a magic mirror come to life for a photo 😳 and then our girls transported themselves into a whimsical world 💕💚#AdobePhotoshopPartner For this photo, we found an old vintage mirror, then Nick built an entire photo set inside our bedroom 😅. The kids helped us paint the pillars (we repurposed from another photoshoot) and floor pink. After they danced around all over the wet floor, Eloise helped me with the wallpaper. Once the magic mirror was attached to the wall, Emma and Eloise got into their costumes and right into character. Nick helped with the lighting and fog, while Oliver handled the bubble machine, and I captured the moment. After the photoshoot, I took it into @Photoshop and added a bit more magic, like the vines around the pillars, a spell coming from Eloise’s wand, and a bubble brush we made from the bubbles I captured on set to add even more bubbles to the photo 🫧. What would you do if you found a magic mirror?🪞 #photomagic #behindthescenes #fyp #MomsofTikTok