Now I won't have to store my batteries in random places and wonder if they are new or old 🤣 #randomrestock #restockasmr #restockwithme #organizedhome #organizewithme #organizingasmr #organizingtiktok #amazonhome #febreze #always #restockday #glad #goodles #milliemoon #restockingvideo #asmrrestock
Husband on vacation & a showing tomorrow with a 10 month old should be criminal. #nightcleaning #cleaningasmr #cleanwithme #housecleaning #nightimeroutine #cleaninghouse #housereset #kitchencleaning #nightshift #nightshiftcleaning #asmrcleaning #asmrcleaningvideo #soloparenting #soloparentingnight #laneige #ellisbrooklyn #toofaced #cleaningmotivation
Sometimes I avoid buying fruit simply so I don't have to go through this process🙃 & why is it so expensive?! #fruitrestock #restockingasmr #restockwithme #fridgerestock #washingfruit #fruitstorage #kitchenorganization #fridgestock #cleaningfruit #rubbermaid #asmrrestock #organizedhome #restockinggroceries #groceryrestock
You can't be hot & happy according to my therapist😂 #retailtherapy #sadgirlhours #sadgirlshopping #shopwithme #shoppingvlog #homegoodshaul #homegoods #homegoodsfinds #homedecor #shopwithmevlog #saddays #LifeIsGood #momvlogs #momvlog #homegoodsthings #homedecorshopping
Part 1 of what our nights have been looking like lately🏡 #closingshift #nightroutine #bedtimeroutine #cleanwithme #cleaningasmr #asmrvlog #momvlogs #nightcleaning #kitchencleaning #housereset #resetroutine #resetwithme #resetday #cleaningvlog #nightclean #cleaningmotivation #asmrcleaning #asmrcleaningvideo #nightreset
Tough love can sometimes be the best motivation 🥰 #bedroomreset #bedroomclean #cleanwithme #cleaningmotivation #cleaningasmr #asmrcleaning #speedclean #CleanTok #bedroomaesthetic #neutralbedroom #neutralhome #lysol #amazonhome #tineco #targethome #neutralhomedecor
This could heal me right now😍 #disneyworld #disneymagic #disneytrip #disneyworldflorida #disneyparks #disneyworldorlando #disneygirl #disneyvacation #disneytok #familyvacation
Getting the hang of this boy mom life one day at a time! #getreadywithus #boyclothes #babyboyclothes #babyboyoutfit #boyhood #binkybro #babyfitcheck #getdressedwithme #momvlogs #momsover30 #nikebaby #boyoutfit #babyroutine #9monthsold #babyboyootd #babyboyfashion #tubbytodd #ditlofamom #ditlofasahm #zarakids #ditlmomvlog #zarafit
Not me getting all striped things when I specifically told myself not to😆 #findingmyselfagain #findingmystyle #shopwithme #shopwithmeatoldnavy #oldnavystyle #oldnavyhaul #oldnavytryon #tryonwithme #tryonhaul #momstyle #momoutfit #momstruggles #momstyleoutfits #comfyfit #casualoutfits #stylingoutfits #easyoutfits #momvlogs #momsover30
In my fairy garden girl era & I love it ☀️🍓 #floridawinter #gardenlife #winterinflorida #sunshinegirl #gardentok #gardenera #gardeninglife #backyardgarden #backyardvibes #backyard #peacefulliving #peacefulgarden #tranquility #backyardviews #floridalife #floridagirl
Is it just me or is EVERYONE sick right now? #eatlunchwithme #jerseymikes #jerseymikesorder #sandwhich #lunchideas #lunchtime #eatinglunch #lunchchat #lunchbreak #momvlogs #momchats #momvlogger #clubsub #jerseymikessubs #eatwithme #chitchatwithme #momlifestyle
One of my favorite holidays of the year! Love spoiling my girly💕 #valentinesdaygift #valentines #valentinesdaygift #vdaygift #valentinesbasket #valentineskids #galentinesday #galentines #valentinesgiftideas #targetfinds #kidsvalentines #targetvalentines #shopwithmeattarget #shopwithme #targethaul #targetrun #lindtchocolate #squishmallows #kidsgiftideas #ValentinesDay