Chris Mark Castle
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Chris Mark Castle Statistics Analysis (30 Days)
Average Views 585.15K Followers / Views -0.03% -
Average Likes 82.41K Likes / Views 21.18% -
Average Reviews 198 Reviews / Views 0.04% -
Average Share 1.19K Share / Views 0.21%
Chris Mark Castle Hot Videos
I’m grateful to have been able to share my dad’s creation with all of you and to have made so many wonderful memories along the way. I once tried to keep the castle a secret from others to avoid unwanted attention—but over time, I realized I no longer wanted to keep it hidden. My dad put so much time and effort into building this, and it deserves to be shared. I truly appreciate all the support and love from this community. Thank you for being a part of this journey with me! IG: chrismarkcastle & christina.markk #chrismarkcastle #castle #childhoodmemories #princess #ct #family
welcome to shiz university💗💚 @christina mark @n4stynat #wicked #wickedmovie #glinda #elphaba #chrismarkcastle
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