Real talk… winter of 2023 I didn’t want to be here anymore, my mental state was worst it has even been & I truly saw no way out. Every day was worse than the last. I’ve made life transformation videos before thinking I was happy, but I never really was and I was in an environment that would not allow me to be happy or do anything for myself. But life GETS BETTER. IT DOES. I had the best months of my life. I could’ve never expected how much life would open up. don’t give up on yourself. As noah Kahan would say, give urself a reason!!!! The world is better with you in it!
I’ve actually tried EVERYTHING under the sun when it comes to fitness , losing weight , gaining weight, etc. & COFFEE IS DELICIOUS & U DESERVE A GOOD COFFEE.
WHAT I EAT IN A DAY (trying my best when I’m running out of groceries edition) I’m simply just a girl and need CONVENIENCE ! That’s why I love to bring things like Authentic Asian Thai Basil Stir Fry to work! For delish flavor and quality ingredients in less than 5 minutes! Now available at Walmart (which you can find in my bio!) #AD #AuthenticAsia #paidpartner