Ahhh can’t believe we are here again! Making sure I’m prepared Incase baby boy wants to be like his sis and come early! #pregnant #pregnancy #3rdtrimester #hospitalbag #birthessentials #postpartum #packmybagwithme #MomsofTikTok #momlife
Can’t believe how tiny the clothes are🥹 okay I officially feel prepared to go anytime now:) #pregnant #3rdtrimester #hospitalbag #babyhospitalbag #pregnancy #birthessentials #packmybagwithme #momlife
The pictures off his little face🥹 such a fun thing to do with the girls @Chase Mattson #pregnancy #3rdtrimester #ultrasound #MomsofTikTok #pregnant #pregnancyjourney
Holy moly I’m so pregnant 😂but sweatpants jeans were the best purchase I have made. #maternity #maternitypants #pregnancy #pregnantlife #pregnancypants #3rdtrimester #maternityoutfits #pregnant #tryon #tryonhaul
OKAY WHAT A JOURNEY 🥹 so grateful for the past 5 years on this app and SO thankful for YOU🩵 truly can’t imagine what life would look like without tik tok and the family/community we have made on here. Brb crying 😭