Glowy & hydrated skin just in time for the new year ✨ Say goodbye to dull, dry skin with Sakura Glow to repair your skin barrier in just 1 hour! @GarnierMY #GlowCepatBaruVibe #GarnierSkincare #GarnierSerum #GarnierWatergel #GarnierMalaysia #GarnierMY
First time being nominated for a TV show award and also my first time attending an event like this, so memang pening kepala fikir nak pakai apa, lagi2 dengan tema ‘Flex Your Art’. Hawa nak something yang betul-betul represent diri sendiri, tapi at the same time selesa & modest. Bersyukur sangat bila Abg Rico sudi custom-design dress khas untuk Hawa. Abg Rico nampak Hawa seorang simple & feminine, so dia tak nak Hawa carry outfit yg out of my personality and honestly, langsung tak menyesal pilih Abang Rico sebab hasilnya memang PERFECT! I totally love it! ❤️ #FlexYourArt #GempakMostWanted
Alhamdulillah 💛 Everyone has their own dreams. Dream car, dream house, dream future husband 😜 jk. If korang kata “seronoknya dia dpt beli kereta” “seronoknya ada duit”. Percayalah Hawa pun pernah berada dalam situation tu 4/5 years ago. Waktu tu bila tengok orang lain dapat beli dream car dorang, i was like “bestnyaaa dapat beli kereta” and at the time, I truly believed I would never be able to afford one. Sebab dalam acc cukup2 makan. Bila dengar monthly Myvi sahaja dh rasa macam memang tak mampu. But what can we expect? Itulah rahsia tuhan. No one knows what the future holds right? Cuma everytime kita tgok kejayaan orang lain, janganlah kita tanam rasa iri/ dengki. Trust me, those negative feelings will only make it harder for us to succeed. Hawa pernah share dulu, waktu nk beli first car, Hawa save and simpan semua gambar2 artis/ influencer yg dapat beli first car dorang siap buat satu album. Jadikan dorang inspiration and berharap one day gambar hawa pun ada dalam album tu. Alhamdulillah, I managed to buy my first car. At that time, I never expected that within a year, I’d be able to buy my second car as well. Terlalu byk kejutan Allah bagi dalam bentuk rezeki. Yes betullah kereta ni liabiliti je but everyone has their own dreams car. So why not just let them chase theirs? Selain usaha & percaya pada rezeki, paling penting doa & restu mak ayah tu jugak penting, supaya setiap titik perjalanan yg kita pilih tu dipermudahkan and rezeki pun berkat. So berangan je sampai jadi kenyataan okie! ☺️ For those who read this post, Hawa doakan semoga rezeki korang lancar and capai impian korang okie! Aamiin 🥰 Btw thank you @SyafiqMazda91 for the great service and smooth process. Sape2 nk usha Mazda tolonglah contact dia confirm dia edit video korang gempak2 🤭
Maldives taught me the importance of taking good care of our skin, especially areas exposed to sunlight. Nasib baik Hawa jumpa Azarine Intense Luminous Barrier Moisturizer untuk repair balik my skin barrier. Jom dapatkan product Azarine sekarang sbb ada discount 15% this January! @azarinemalaysia #AzarineMY #Azarinetotherecue #AzarineMoisturizer
Still can’t believe I was nominated Top 5 Beauty & Fashion at Astro Gempak Most Wanted Awards! ✨ Walaupun tak menang, making it to the top 5 itself is already a big achievement, and I’m really grateful for that. A huge thank you to @Gempak for this amazing opportunity! 🥹🙏🏻 To Abang @Rico Rinaldi , yang finally made my dream come true! I’ve always admired his designs, and bila dapat pakai custom dress by him, memang rasa macam barbie . The dress was EVERYTHING! The perfect combination of elegance and boldness, cutting yang perfect, and the peony detailing at the waist? OBSESSED! 🌸 Abang Rico really flexed his art on this dress! 🎨 Makeup by @Muahudaperak85 , btw I brought her all the way from Ipoh, and let me tell you, it was WORTH IT! Ramai puji tau! Worth every KM perjalanan. Thank you kak Hudaaa, jangan pencen jadi MUA selagi Hawa tak kahwin tau 🥹 And last but not least @yep & @Hrz. , my go to photographer & videographer, thank you for capturing every moment. Hasil every shots memang GEMPAK! 🔥 #GempakMostWanted #GempakMostWantedAward #FlexYourArt
#ad I thinks its normal for someone kadang2 perlukan ‘Me Time’ untuk release fikiran. Same goes to me! Walaupun sekarang Hawa busy dengan intern, tapi Hawa akan tetap cari masa and cara untuk healing. Nasib baik ada Hotlink Postpaid 5G, so Hawa boleh enjoy guna internet tanpa risau kuota habis cepat. Tekan link dkt bio for more info! #HotlinkPostpaid5G #HotlinkJaguh5G @hotlink
Rasa mcm mimpi pergi fashion show my fav designer since 2021 🥹 Congrats Abg @Rico Rinaldi ! Love the detailing in every piece of the Summeraya Collection . Thank you for inviting me 🫶🏻✨