my everyday bracelet stackings🤭✨every time i buat video get ready with me, i would get questions about my jewelleries sooo in this video i tunjuk one by one and bgtahu dekat mana i beliii! most of it i beli dh lama so i tak sure whether the designs masih available ke tak #braceletstacking #stackmybraceletswithme #habib #tomei
Replying to @WITH MOON💅 ✨Episode 6 of Eid Just Got Better series: episode kalini kita bawak masuk @Sharifah Rose plak and this is our first time buat video bercakap sama sama so enjoy hahahaha Baju Sofea: Lydia Luxe (Teal) Baju Rose: Reepika Maharanee (Blush Mauve) Both baju daripada @QISZAR #EidJustGotBetter #raya2025 #bajuraya #qiszar
✨Episode 1 of Eid Just Got Better series is hereeeeee🫶🏻 harini kita try-on baju raya daripada @QISZAR sebab tahun lepassss dorang letops gilaaa😮💨 mana satu ur favourite? mine is Adeetha! btw what do you guys think about my intro animation?🥹🙏🏻 #EidJustGotBetter #raya2025 #bajuraya #qiszar
Replying to @meimei FINALLY dapat cuba nana’s makeup look🥹💖 its very much giving kiyowooooo cushion foundation biru from code 00 Porcelain
2019: baru nak start belajar pakai makeup betul2 2020: selesa pakai bold-coloured lipsticks je sebab tak reti pakai nude lipsticks 2021: started experimenting with base-focused makeup baru berani pakai nude lipsticks 2022: coloured contact lens is a game-changer!! time ni i suka look2 yang peachy & bronzy 2023: almost thereee… just needed to learn the right placements for my features 2024: my fav makeup era so far🫶🏻 #makeupglowup
finally dapat review @INREA’s GIA bag walaupun i’m late to the party🤣 love love how minimalistic the design is sebab you boleh match dgn banyak outfits and its a really nice everyday bag jugak so BELI NOW SEBAB ADA DISCOUNT use my code before checkout okay!👇🏻 Code : SOFEARM20 for RM20 off on top of RM199 tu you dapat tolak rm20 lagi kalau you guys use my code🫶🏻 Code valid until end of this month