Does it REALLY clean teeth?!👇 Why not?! If you read the claims of those popular VOHC “green dental chews” - you’ll see it’s the mechanical action of “scraping the teeth” clean from the hard texture.. When I feed Aura a frozen cucumber, she uses her front AND back teeth to chew, bite, & tear which helps massage her gums & scrape her teeth! Plus, cucumbers don’t have the added wheat, gluten or cellulose found in other “dental chew” treats…👇 How I feed cucumbers: ✅ Wash first & buy organic/local when possible ✅ Remove skin if choking is a concern (eg small dogs) ✅ Feed in moderation (ANY food in excess can lead to GI upset) I buy mini cucumbers ✅ I feed as slices or freeze whole like this (sometimes after being soaked in pet safe bone broth) as an all natural “dental/gum cleaner” & enrichment ⚠️ I supervise every chew. Pick the chew appropriate for your dog’s chewing style, age & size! Always work with your vet Aura loves cucumbers, & she goes wild for them when frozen! Which makes me happy because there naturally hydrating & nutritious 🥒 For easy food tips follow along! #mypets #dogfood #dogtreats #puppy #dogenrichment #bordercollie
PLEASE READ👇 Resource guarding is normal, barking & growling = normal 👇 So we don’t want to *stop*these behaviors because if we do, we remove their ability to communicate discomfort. And this is how we end up getting bit… BUT we do want to teach our dogs reasonable responses & how to make good decisions for themselves (eg moving away when worried instead of biting, etc) I never want my dogs to think that when I approach they lose something. Me approaching should always = positive feelings whenever possible Prevention is key, but my priority is changing my dog’s emotional response to me being near her when she has something of value The trade game is a good activity to practice this. Let me know if you want to see it! We practice this a lot in puppy class with the local trainers I work with @goroguedogtrainingllc , and they remind pet parents that even if your dog isn’t demonstrating resource guarding tendencies now - it’s important to practice to avoid it For easy puppy tips follow along! #puppytraining #puppymom #resourceguarding #DogTraining #dogsoftiktok
Replying to @$vet PLEASE READ👇 Resource guarding is normal, barking & growling = normal 👇 So we don’t want to *stop*these behaviors because if we do, we remove their ability to communicate discomfort. And that is how we end up getting bit… BUT we do want to teach our dogs reasonable responses & how to make good decisions for themselves (eg moving away when worried instead of biting, etc) I never want my dogs to think that when I approach they lose something. Me approaching should always = positive feelings whenever possible Prevention is key, but my priority (learned from professionals) is changing my dog’s emotional response to me being near her when she has something of value Here’s how I did this game (again, always work with a professional): 1️⃣: When Aura had something she valued (food, toy, chew) I’d toss higher value food or treats in her direction, only being close enough to not get a reaction out of her. Remember, this is a low pressure positive reinforcement “game,” where we’re starting to teach our dog that when we approach, ONLY good things happen. I practice each step for several days, with 5-10 treats at a time. Short sessions. 2️⃣: I toss treats as I walk by. No cue, no pressure, just walk and toss. Walk & toss (with 5-10 treats then leave her alone) 3️⃣: Introduce the “trade it out” cue. Mine is “can I have that.” I toss a higher value treat away, remove her food bowl, then give it back 4️⃣: My favorite, because it’s how we should end every interaction with a being. Better than we found it! I trade it out” and before I give it back, I add even better treats to it, to MAKE IT BETTER!! I practice this just a few times then I leave her alone to enjoy it. We practice this a lot in puppy class with the local trainers I work with @goroguedogtrainingllc , and they remind pet parents that even if your dog isn’t demonstrating resource guarding tendencies now - it’s important to practice to avoid it Again, every dog is different. Work with a science based PRACTICED positive reinforcement trainer whenever possible 🙏 For SAFER 🐶 tips follow along! #puppytraining #p#puppymomr#resourceguardingd#DogTrainingreactivedog
IT’S NOT ALL YOUR FAULT👇 And even if you made mistakes (like me), let it go As my good friend reminds me, BREATHE, let it go, & focus on the dog in front of you now When we know better, we do better If you need help with reactivity, anxious or a fearful dog, I HIGHLY recommend Amy Cook PhD Behaviorist & expert in this field (her popular course in my bio) @Amy Cook, PhD *and no, not sponsored in anyway. But if you need a solid plan & you want progress in a science based humane way - she is the go to in the industry And if you wanna see all the mistakes I’ve made, & how to avoid them, follow along 😜 #reactivedog #DogTraining #anxiousdog #reactivedogsunite #puppy #dogbehavior
Do you know how to play with your dog with NO toys, NO treat, just you & your bestie? I love teaching play with my pups, because it is a beautiful & effective reward, positive distraction, stress reducer, builds our bond & more importantly dogs need play for their wellbeing Of course I play with toys, but I like to practice without them because, well, toys won’t always be available This also reinforces just how valuable I can be, which further reinforces that I am a safe, reliable and FUN resource! There’s endless reasons why safe & mutually enjoyable play is valuable *every day* So tell me, do you play with your pup? #DogTraining #puppy #dogmom #newpuppy #dogplay