Kwame Duah
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If you know you know @Kaylanellaa @BSN Supplements #bsnsponsoredathlete #fyp
Exercise wrong vs right taken literally @Kaylanellaa @BSN Supplements #bsnsponsoredathlete #fyp
When she copies you literally @Kaylanellaa @BSN Supplements #bsnsponsoredathlete #fyp
Definitely had not had my preworkout yet @Kaylanellaa @BSN Supplements #bsnsponsoredathlete #fyp
Maybe my cool rush preworkout kicked in @Kaylanellaa @BSN Supplements #bsnsponsoredathlete #fyp
Wait for it @Kaylanellaa @BSN Supplements #bsnsponsoredathlete #fyp
I’ll just have to say the pump from the cool rush preworkout was too good @Kaylanellaa @BSN Supplements #bsnsponsoredathlete #fyp
Rumours have it that he still can’t see her there @Kaylanellaa #athlete #fyp
This is why you don’t judge…I found the secret preworkout and it gives a cool rush @BSN Supplements @Kaylanellaa #bsnsponsoredathlete #fyp
When you’re mad but you still care @Kaylanellaa #bsnsponsoredathlete #fyp
Give me that @BSN Supplements NO Xplode pre workout she’s having @Kaylanellaa #bsnsponsoredathlete #fyp
Gym dad reporting @Kaylanellaa @BSN Supplements #bsnsponsoredathlete #fyp
Wait for it though I should have given her some preworkout @Kaylanellaa @BSN Supplements #bsnsponsoredathlete #fyp
Well that was unexpected - she should have taken her preworkout @Kaylanellaa @BSN Supplements #bsnsponsoredathlete #fyp
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