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FIK-SHUN Statistics Analysis (30 Days)
Average Views 2.83M Followers / Views 0.14% -
Average Likes 209.4K Likes / Views 9.97% -
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How I make new friends 😏👊🏽😏 @elina meng #trainedprofessional #fight #fun #action #public #fighting #badass #smooth #fikshun #la #cali
I loved #KravenTheHunter so much I wanted to recreate my favorite scenes from the movie. @Kraven The Hunter is now available on Digital! #SonyPicsPartner **Note: I am a trained stunt professional and any 'weapons' used are props. Please do not try this at home* Sound design: @Tony Jax
@Doritos how did we do? #doritos #commercial #fight #action #cool #fun #funny
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