This was ranked on the story itself not the gameplay #top10 #story #games #masseffect #ghostoftsushima #thewitcher3 #reddeadredemption2 #rdr2 #kotor #silenthill2 #whatremainsofedithfinch #thelastofus #bioshock #batmanarkhamcity #4upage #4you #4yp #viral?
Probably my favorite part of any game #top10 #stealth #games #alienisolation #slycooper #hitman2 #hitman3 #assassinscreed #syndicate #splintercell #dishonored #metalgearsolid #metalgearsolidv #4you #viral?
There’s like a hundred more I wanted to put on here #indie #indiegames #top10 #undertale #limbo #celeste #myfriendpedro #deadcells #shovelknight #cuphead #hollowknight #hades #hotlinemiami #games #4upage #viralllllll
Before y’all say where Final Fantasy is, I have played it but I don’t remember it enough to put it on here #rpg #rpggames #top10 #baldursgate3 #thewitcher3 #masseffect2 #bloodborne #skyrim #cyberpunk2077 #dragonageorigins #knightsoftheoldrepublic #eldenring #fallout #newvegas #4upage #4youpage #viral?
Like with the other parts, this is only ranked on story not gameplay #top10 #storygames #spidermanps4 #residentevil4 #batmanarkhamorigins #godofwarragnarok #ocarinaoftime #grandtheftauto4 #gta4 #halo3odst #haloreach #assassinscreed2 #detroitbecomehuman #4upage #4yp #viral?
This is actually something I wanna see more people’s opinon on #lightsaber #starwars #jedi #sith #ranking #red #blue #purple #orange #yellow #green #black #white #4upage #viralllllll
I didn’t put the 60’s versions because I have no clue where’d they even be also the Catwomen since they weren’t really villains like that #batman #villain #ranking #movie #bane #taliaalghul #posionivy #mrfreeze #twoface #theriddler #carminefalcone #rasalghul #scarecrow #thepenguin #thejoker #joker #thebatman #thedarkknight #tdk #thedarkknightrises #batmanreturns #batman89 #batmanbegins #batmanforever #batmanandrobin #4upage #4yp #4youpage #viral?
Like with the last vid, I don’t remember Final Fantasy to well so don’t hurt me lol #rpg #rpggames #top10 #papermario #fable #kotor #fallout3 #darksouls #darksouls3 #thewitcher2 #discoelysium #chronotrigger #oblivion #games