Breakfast signs 😍🍳 lots of requests in my messages for the tiny sign instructor series so maybe an official launch? 😆 (can we talk about how focused Eden is?!?!) #asl #signlanguage #raisingdeafkids #signingseries #brothersisterlove #wholesome
#ad This was an actual God send when potty training my #deaf son. Can’t recommend it enough, the vibrate feature is genius. #pottytraininingmama #pottytrain #toddlerhood #toddlers #tiktokshopfinds #momhack #pottywatch #vibratingwatch #motherhood #toddlermilestones #ttshop
Upgraded version of “hey mom watch this” 🤪 They will literally yell for me, realize they CAN hear me respond, take off their cochlear implants and yell for me again. 😂😂😂 it’s actually kind of funny #raisingdeafkids #brothers #MomsofTikTok #mom
I know babies love music but as a mom of deaf children, it wasn’t something I experienced until way later after they received their cochlear implants. Just looks a little different this time around. 🥹❤️ #gratefulheart #wholesome #encantodisney #toniebox