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Decluttered my tupperware cabinet! Why did I have so much of it? I’ve been wanting to switch over to glass tupperware for so long and I decided this was the perfect time! I also knew I needed way less than what I currently have! So I only have one set of glass tupperware and I’ll see how that goes for a while. If there are certain sizes I find myself needing more of then I can add some more in as needed. I wanted to start with less and see how it goes. I’m so excited to be switched over to glass instead of plastic though! I have two separate bags for what I’m getting rid of- one is to throw out because it’s in bad shape and one is I think to donate? Can I donate used tupperware if it’s in good shape or is that weird? I cannot believe how stained some of these were. No matter what tricks I tried, I could never get the stains out. I also took out some of our kids’ stuff like a handful of plates we don’t use anymore. This cabinet used to overwhelm me so much! I feel so great about it now! #declutter #decluttering #declutteringtips #howtodeclutter #declutteryourlife #organizewithme #cleanwithme #declutterwithme #kitchendeclutter #kitchenorganization #organizedhome #tupperware #glasstupperware
Decluttered our activity cabinet for the girls today. This cabinet can get cluttered so quickly. I use it for all of our homeschool supplies, arts and crafts supplies, and some other activities like kinetic sand play dough. Art supplies are just one of those things the girls keep getting more and more of as gifts, which is great, but it really adds up quickly. Since this is also where we store school supplies, sometimes her school work ends up in here instead of me going through and sorting it. And when the days are busy, things don’t always get put away correctly so it just gets cluttered fast in here! I didn’t end up going through the bins on the bottom because I didn’t have enough time and they’re honestly in pretty good shape right now. I decided to do away with the pink caddies I had put together for homeschool. I liked them at the beginning of the year but ended up putting all of our daily supplies in one bin that we pull out every day. It made way more sense to use the space on the top of the cabinet to store that bin because it’s just been living on our dining room table or the floor so I’m glad it has a home now! This is a space we use so often that trying to keep it decluttered makes a big difference for us! #declutter #decluttering #declutterwithme #cleanwithme #organizewithme #declutteredhome #declutteryourlife #momlife #artsandcrafts #artsandcraftsstorage #activitycabinet #sahmlife #declutteringformentalhealth #homeorganization #organizedhome
Decluttering my house- season 2 💕 About 2 years ago I started this series on here and fully decluttered my house. Since then I’ve done little bits of decluttering here and there but we’re definitely in need of another round of decluttering so many spaces! So I’m starting this series over again to declutter our home until my house stops overwhelming me. We live in a townhouse so we don’t have much space and that means I really have to stay on top of how much we have in our home. Decluttering is just one of those things that is never ending. Anytime I’m decluttering a room, I break it down into small sections that aren’t super overwhelming and I can manage to do in a short amount of time. And then I also try to think through the best way to organize that space too. Sometimes that’s adding new organizers to solve a problem and other times it’s just putting the least amount of stuff back in a space. For this cabinet I knew I needed some way to organize all of our pans, cooking racks, and muffin tins. I’m obsessed with this vertical organizer! It’s perfect for what I need and now I don’t have to dig through a big stack of stuff to find a pan! #declutter #decluttering #declutteringtips #howtodeclutter #declutteryourlife #organizewithme #cleanwithme #declutterwithme #kitchendeclutter #kitchenorganization #organizedhome #homeorganization #declutteringformentalhealth #momlife
Decluttered all of our pots and pans. We had a handful of different sets that we’ve been given and bought over the years and we really don’t need anywhere near this many. I decided I want to be more intentional with the kinds of things we’re cooking with and using in our kitchen so I decided to get rid of our non-stick pans. A lot of them were so scratched up anyway so I really needed to get rid of them! I’m keeping stainless steel pans and our new Hexclad plans. The pans in good shape will get donated! This cabinet space is so small but I really like having them right next to the stove. So I added in an organizer to make the best use of the space and I really love it! I’ve had this pot lid organizer for years and it works great in this space! Decluttering our home is going so well! Our kitchen is feeling so much better even after decluttering just a few cabinets! #declutter #decluttering #declutteringtips #howtodeclutter #declutteryourlife #organizewithme #cleanwithme #declutterwithme #kitchendeclutter #kitchenorganization #organizedhome #momlife #potsandpans #potsandpansorganization
Decluttered the other set of cabinets in our kitchen island! I can’t tell you how good this feels already! Being able to open a cabinet to get out what I need and not having to worry about things falling out at me is so nice. And actually having a home for everything so I can put things away so easily- the best! I really liked adding these acrylic drawers under here to make use of the vertical space a little more. And I finally have a good place to store my sourdough supplies. A handful of my kitchen cabinets are still in good shape from my last declutter, but I listed out all the ones that need some work again and I’m going to keep moving through them every day! I’m planning to do my tupperware cabinet tomorrow- I’m so excited to get that one done! #declutter #decluttering #declutteringtips #howtodeclutter #declutteryourlife #organizewithme #cleanwithme #declutterwithme #kitchendeclutter #kitchenorganization #organizedhome #homeorganization #declutteringformentalhealth #momlife
Decluttered my desk today. My desk seems to collect a lot of clutter pretty quickly. Both of my girls like to sit here and draw sometimes too so it’s a mixture of random stuff I put down instead of putting away and things they bring in with them like little toys and drawings. I use this desk a lot to work at though and I really needed to clear it off! So I took a quick 5 minutes to get everything back in working order and I’m so happy I did! #deskorganization #declutter #decluttering #declutteringtips #declutterwithme #organizewithme #cleanwithme #organizedlife #organizedhome #workingfromhome #workfromhomemom #howtodeclutter #declutteredhome
Keeping our surfaces cleared off makes such a difference! Clutter really does attract more clutter. Visual clutter can really impact your mental and emotional health! Something I’m really working on is keeping my surfaces cleared off as best as I can because I know how quickly that can escalate into a huge pile of clutter. I’m way more likely to keep adding to a cluttered counter, but if my counters are clear, I usually make the effort to follow the ‘don’t put it down, put it away’ rule. I have a few areas that always seem to be our clutter magnets like the kitchen island, on top of my washer and dryer, and our entryway table. Since I know these are weak spots for me, I’ve been trying to put things away as soon as I notice things sitting there. This way it only takes a minute or two instead of 10 to 15 minutes if I let it pile up. As I’ve been decluttering our home, I really have focused on being sure everything in our house actually has somewhere it belongs. This helps in the putting away process since I know where things should go. When cabinets and drawers are already stuffed full, it makes it impossible to keep counters cleared off because I just have nowhere to put things. Decluttering our home is hard work, but the pay off is so worth it! I feel so much more at peace and spend so much less time maintaining our home. #declutter #decluttering #declutteringtips #howtodeclutter #declutteryourlife #organizewithme #cleanwithme #declutterwithme #declutteryourhome #momlife #organizedhome
Decluttered a cabinet in our kitchen that we use for our smaller kitchen appliances. The other day, I realized that I had a handful of things in here that we never use but they’re taking up so much of our cabinet space and I could be used in a much better way! When I declutter, the things we’re getting rid of either get sold or donated if they’re in good condition or if it’s broken or in really bad condition, then it gets thrown away or recycled. From this cabinet, I decided to declutter our air fryer that we have barely used since we bought it. We actually sold it and made $75 this weekend! I’ve also had a bread machine that’s been sitting in here for years but now that I’m into sourdough I know I won’t use it again so that’s getting donated along with some more other random things in this cabinet. Now we actually have room in here for our Ninja Creami and it’s so much easier to access the things that we use all the time like our mixer and crockpot. I’ve got a few more cabinets and drawers to declutter in my kitchen and then I’ll be ready to move to the next room! #declutter #decluttering #declutteringtips #howtodeclutter #declutteryourlife #organizewithme #cleanwithme #declutterwithme #kitchendeclutter #kitchenorganization #declutteringformentalhealth #momlife
Decluttering doesn’t have to be overwhelming. I decluttered our home two years ago and now I’m going through the process of fully decluttering it again. We live in a 3 bedroom townhome and new things are always coming into our house and things we no longer need that we can take out of our home, so decluttering is just a part of life for us. I use a worksheet to help me plan out my decluttering. I list out the rooms I want to declutter and then break each room into small sections, like one cabinet or drawer at a time. Then I work through each space using the same steps until the room is completed. #declutter #decluttering #declutteringtips #howtodeclutter #declutteryourlife #organizewithme #cleanwithme #declutterwithme #declutteryourhome #momlife #organizedhome
Set up my new nightstand with drawer organizers and all of my favorite things. I love how much more storage space I have in this nightstand compared to my old one! And I love how it looks in our space! These drawer organizers are perfect! I had been using acrylic organizers for all my drawers but I’m starting to like the look of things with a natural wood tone right now and I feel like they just warm everything up a little. I’m super happy with these! #homeorganization #nightstand #nightstandorganization #bedroomorganization #homedecor #organizedlife #organizewithme #declutteredhome #minimalisthome #momlife #homeorganizationhacks
New season of ✨Decluttering until my house stops giving me anxiety✨ coming soon! The kitchen is up first! 🫶🏻 #decluttering #declutterwithme #declutteringtips #declutteryourlife #kitchendeclutter #kitchenorganization #organizedhome #howtodeclutter #declutteredhome #homeorganization #momlife #declutteringformentalhealth #minimalisthome
It’s the year we stop putting things off! What a simple solution to something that was time consuming for me and the girls. They would just keep asking me to grab more and more supplies while they were drawing and now everything is contained in one bin for them that they can grab out of the activity cabinet themselves. This bin is my absolute favorite thing- I literally own so many and use them for so much throughout our house. I love that they can both use everything in here without me having to stress like real markers or scissors. I’m a big fan of mess free markers and the safety scissors! This will be perfect for them to use first thing in the morning or while I’m trying to get things done! #craftsupplies #craftsupplyorganization #artsandcrafts #craftstorage #momlife #momorganizationtips #kidsartsandcrafts #artbin #momof2 #toddlermom #momhack #momtipsandtricks #activitybins
Getting to be the memory-maker and the birthday planner for my girls is truly one of my favorite things about being a mom! I love making things special for them! As much as I would love to throw Pinterest-worthy parties for them, it’s just not an option for our family. I’ve found a handful of ways to make parties special and memorable while staying budget-friendly! 1. Pick a theme and keep decorations simple. When my girls were younger, I would pretty much be the one deciding on a theme based on what they loved at the time, but now that they’re getting older, I let them pick their theme! Then I do a couple main colors that go with the theme and use that to help me with some simple decor. Balloons are great since they take up space and add color! I really love these stands so I can do them myself instead of having to get them blown up somewhere! It’s a time and money saver! I only get a few other decoration items to add to the party that goes with the theme. The cake, the favors, and a birthday sign all add a lot to the decorations too! 2. For invites, I find an editable PDF invite from Etsy for usually under $5. Then I’ll edit to add in all of our party details and text out the invites to those invited! Super easy and cost-effective! 3. Plan in Canva! This is a game changer for me. It keeps me on track, making sure everything looks good together and helps me not go overboard since I can see everything I’m getting. 4. Find things you can re-use at each party year after year. I have used this acrylic cupcake stand for the last couple of birthday parties and it’s so great! It displays the cupcakes so well and really adds a lot to the decorations! The balloon stands will now be a staple for us every birthday! Other ideas for items that can be re-used are birthday banners and different types of platters or dishes for any food (I got an acrylic drink holder and used it for bagged chips). Getting things in white or acrylic can easily go with whatever theme you do! 5. Cupcakes from @Sam’s Club I made Emily’s 1st birthday cake because I love to bake but since then I have always ordered a cake or cupcakes from Sam’s Club. It takes so much pressure off me. Their prices are incredible and they taste great! You can customize them to fit your theme. I love doing a few of our party colors and then buying my own toppers to make them fit our theme perfectly! 6. Keep favors simple. I love finding a container that matches our theme and then adding a few small consumable items like candy, play dough, bubbles, things like that! 7. Do parties not at a meal time so you only have to worry about the cake and maybe some small snacks! That’s a huge money saver! #budgetbirthday #kidsbirthdayparty #birthdaypartyideas #birthdayparty #birthdaypartydiy #momlife #momdiy #momof2 #diyparty #partyonabudget #affordablepartydecor
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