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GEMEC BGT INI?!!! bisa nutupin + ngelindungin jerawat pake acne patch gemas gini!! jadi gaperlu insecure kalau lagi ada jerawat🤌🏻 @DermaAngel Indonesia
pecinta matte lipstick tahan banting HARUS PUNYA INIIIII #ONLYOU#ONLYOUAll-dayWear #ONLYOUPowderyMatteLipstick @ONLYOU Store
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EMANG BOLEH SETAHAN INII?!!😚😚🫵🏻🫵🏻 #Bioaqua #LockYourLook @BIOAQUA Official Store
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DUHHH INISIHH SEDEKAH GAKSI??? Exclusive Ramadhan Box dari Loreal Paris ini jujur worth it bgt‼️💭 @L'Oreal Paris Indonesia #LorealParisID #makeup #skin #hampers #hamperslebaran #idehamperslebaran
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