Ramadan is more than just fasting … it’s about brotherhood, forgiveness, and racking up good deeds together. Surround yourself with friends who uplift you on Salams Friends Mode and make this Ramadan truly meaningful. Who’s in your tribe? ✨ Find your tribe today! ✨ 📲 Download @Salams now! [LINK IN BIO] 🔗 #Salams 🕌 #RamadanBrotherhood 🤝 #FindYourTribe 🌙
The Taraweeh prayer in Times Square was a truly beautiful initiative. I met so many amazing Muslims from all walks of life, coming together in unity and faith. It was a powerful way to welcome Ramadan—praying under the city lights, feeling the presence of the ummah, and remembering that no matter where we are, our hearts are always connected through worship. Big shoutout to @wayoflifesq for organizing such an incredible event. May this month bring us all closer to Allah and to one another! #TaraweehInTimesSquare #RamadanBlessings #UnitedInFaith #NYCMuslims #RamadanVibes #UmmahStrong #FaithInTheCity #recitewithme #Ramadan
This Ramadan, let’s come together for the orphans at the @spot_project For years, I’ve witnessed the power of your generosity, and because of you, these children have felt love, care, and hope. But this year, they need us more than ever. 100% of your donations go directly to changing their lives. Let’s make this month one of impact, compassion, and endless blessings. Join me on this journey—because every child deserves a chance. Will you stand with them? في هذا الشهر الفضيل، دعونا نتحد من أجل الأيتام في مشروع سبوت بغامبيا. لقد رأيت على مدى سنوات قوة عطائكم، وبفضلكم شعر هؤلاء الأطفال بالحب والرعاية والأمل. لكن هذا العام، هم بحاجة إلينا أكثر من أي وقت مضى. **100% من تبرعاتكم** تذهب مباشرة لتغيير حياتهم. لنُحوّل هذا الشهر إلى شهر من العطاء والرحمة والبركة التي لا تنتهي. انضموا إليّ في هذه الرحلة—لأن كل طفل يستحق فرصة. **هل ستكونون معهم؟** Ce Ramadan, rassemblons-nous pour les orphelins du @spot_project en Gambie. Depuis des années, j’ai été témoin de la puissance de votre générosité, et grâce à vous, ces enfants ont ressenti de l’amour, des soins et de l’espoir. Mais cette année, ils ont plus besoin de nous que jamais. 100% de vos dons sont directement consacrés à changer leur vie. Faisons de ce mois un moment d’impact, de compassion et de bénédictions infinies. Rejoignez-moi dans cette mission—car chaque enfant mérite une chance. Serez-vous à leurs côtés ? 💙 100% of your donations go directly to the children! 🔗 DONATE NOW – LINK IN BIO! ⬆️ #SpotProject #RamadanGiving #ForTheOrphans #رمضان_العطاء #من_أجل_الأيتام #DonRamadan #PourLesOrphelins”
Alhamdulillah! Invited by Allah and hosted by @hajjandumraexpress for a journey of a lifetime. Umrah! ✨ From seamless arrangements to unmatched hospitality, Hajj and Umra Express made every moment spiritually uplifting and stress-free. If you’re planning your Umrah, trust the experts who prioritize your experience from start to finish. May Allah bless them for their generosity, and may He invite all of us to His sacred house soon. Ameen! #HajjAndUmrahExpress #UmrahJourney #InvitedByAllah #SpiritualExperience
By time, indeed, mankind is in loss—except those who believe, do righteous deeds, and encourage truth and patience. (Surah Al-Asr 103:1-3) A powerful reminder that success isn’t in wealth or status but in faith, good deeds, and supporting one another in truth and patience. Let’s make every moment count. #SurahAlAsr #TimeIsPrecious #QuranReflections #recitewithme #taraweehintimessquare
🌌 Look up at the sky—flawless, vast, and perfect in design. No matter how many times you search for a flaw, your eyes will only return weary, unable to find a single imperfection. This is the mastery of Allah’s creation, a reminder of His power and wisdom. SubhanAllah! ✨ #SurahAlMulk #QuranReflections #DivinePerfection #SignsOfAllah #LookUp #Faith #Islam
Dr. Faraj Hasan had the incredible honor of leading Taraweeh prayers in the heart of Times Square, NYC. a truly unforgettable experience. From the bustling city lights to the peaceful recitations, this moment reminded us of the power of faith, community, and unity. Alhamdulillah for this blessed opportunity to connect with others in such a unique and powerful way. #TaraweehInTimesSquare #RamadanInNYC #FaithInTheCity #RamadanBlessings #QuranRecitation #TimesSquarePrayer #UnityInFaith