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Replying to @Jeremy Brockway she is named after the pirates of the Caribbean ship because I’m a nerd 🤓#greenscreen #pearl #peterbilt #389 #chickenlightsnchrome #fyp
@Prettypeter48 #pearl #cowtruckin #coolinthestool #not #fyp #largecar #trucktok #ffs #cowtrucksanchickenlights
Replying to @Dylan Poore Reba the Mack 💋 #reba #mackrmodel fyp #trucktok #oldskool
Peep Abe throwing a blown tire at me 🤣 📸@bigrigcartel #pearl #peterbilt #389 #fyp #chickenlightsnchrome #truck #largecar #cowtruckin #cowtruck #petercar 📸
Nothing like loading with the best in the game @Nikita Lantz 🇨🇦 was so awesome meeting you 🤘🏻#pearl #peterbilt389 #cowtruck #largecar #trucktok #cowtruckin #badass #fyp #petercar
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