This show and every one of my shows have always been about love, connection and family. Feeling excepted for who you are no matter the outside noise. I have had a journey that started with a lot of hate on my name for doing what I love. I am proud to not be a follower, I will never bully on a person to appease another or to affirm someone else's option. I am NOT that person and I run with a large group of like minded kind unique, talented, inspiring people that have become family over the years as they teach me how to be a leader every day. This is my victory March, not for myself in a career sense but for finally loving the person that I am unapologetically. I didn't fold. I didn't pack up my bags when I was told I wasn't good enough, I pushed harder and harder. I have always been motivated by dark spaces. I never felt the need to change people's opinions of me. That's their business. But I always knew there were more good people out there than bad and if I kept going I would find them. If you're still mad at this point, you're wasting your own time. Go out and achieve your own dreams because you are making no progress trying to dim mine 💋 1..2..3.. @shotography 🎥🌹