I've spent over three years patiently waiting to share this one with you. What do you think? It's been so long since I scrubbed it, I didn't even recognize myself when I was editing the video clips. It's crazy how much life has changed in the time I've been waiting for this stone to get clean. Lucy was never married and had no children. She was named after her grandmother. #gravestonecleaning #asmr #beforeandafter #transformation #cemetery
I was shocked to realize that I cleaned this on March 1, 2022. I took the after shots over the weekend. I can't believe it's been that long. It feels like I just scrubbed it last winter. And honestly, I got bored researching this guy and decided to just share the video. He did marry and had five children, but it seemed like Thomas was always running away from something, only to end up buried right back where he started from. #gravestonecleaning #cemetery #clean #transformation #beforeandafter
I always enjoy a good urban legend, and there were tons in this place! I am always finding footage from the tour and other things to share. I should do that more often, huh? Also, side note...Mittie and I both have an Atlas Obscura article written about us. I loved that interview. Anyway. Random thought. #cemetery #gravestone #monument #story #48statetour #mississippi
Cleaned today. Georgia marble often looks great as soon as it's dry. It is easily identifiable by its characteristic large crystals. #gravestonecleaning #transformation #beforeandafter #marble
Granite markers are great for instant cleaning gratification. This one was no exception. So lovely to read her name again. Grace Beatrice left behind her husband and their two young children, Walter and Lena. #gravestonecleaning #transformation #granite #wow #beforeandafter
Granite markers almost always provide instant gratification after scrubbing, and this one was no exception. (I cleaned it this week for a very kind local lady.) #gravestonecleaning #transformation #beforeandafter #wow
October is a big month for promoting the awareness of many different causes and missions. The first one on my mind today is for all of the parents who will forever mourn the loss of their little ones. I have always been drawn to care for the old graves of lost children, for so many were long forgotten after their parents left this earth. When I find one, I take a quiet moment to connect myself to the pain in their mother's heart which is still palpable in the air even after a hundred or more years. I cry (a lot), I pray, I whisper nurturing words. I do my best to honor their memories respectfully. Somehow it feels like sharing them with you keeps them from being forgotten.
I shared this two years ago, and I'm sharing again because although my sentiments remain the same, my heart has been heavy lately, and I needed the personal reminder. There are some very unpleasant and downright horrible things in our past. Acknowledging that is not a weakness. All of the layers that make up our individual experiences, from all angles and aspects, the bad, the good, and everything in between...they are all essential pieces that come together to paint a picture of our collective past and history. The more research is done and the more that is shared, the clearer and more accurate that image becomes for us all to interpret. We should want to see and learn from it as much as we possibly can. I think the hardest lesson for me to learn is that my story is part of that picture too. Maybe some of you feel the same way. #gravestonecleaning #transformation #thoughts
His is one of the most beautiful obituaries I have ever read, and this is just a small portion of it. The love felt for him and the pain of his loss is still palpable, even through words written more than 125 years ago. Interesting side note: one of Jesse's great great grandmothers was a first cousin to Martha Custis Washington. #gravestonecleaning #obituary #marble #reading #cemetery #cleaning