#ad #ad @ListerineOfficial Total Care is the Total package, with fluoride to help protect your teeth and 5x the bad breath germ killing power as brushing and flossing Alone *based on bad breath germs, reach for the Listerine Total Care this holiday season to keep your oral care routine just as strong as that plate holding up your thanksgiving meal. #ListerinePartner
Luckily as a d4 this is my first test in like two months. Peep the unfolded laundry on my dresser 😭 #wearFIGS #FIGSambassadof #dentalstudent #dentistry #daylightsavings #mondayfunday @wearfigs
Can somebody stop prank calling my patients and telling them not to show up 🥲 #dentalstudent #dentistry #fableticspartner #fableticsscrubs #scrubsmadetomove @fabletics scrubs
As I finish up dental school, i hope i’ve helped/encouraged a few of y’all along your journey to dental school. Although I will have graduated by the time y’all start just rembeber not to take yourself too seriously. To all my pre dent followers that just got in- congrats!! For those still waiting stay positive and don’t lose sight of that goal! #dentalstudent #dentalschool #predent